Christmas Treasures【電子書籍】[ Thomas Kinkade ]


<p><strong>The Christmas season is full of shopping and holiday cheer, but in this novel in the Cape Light series, finding one’s true purpose is the greatest gift of all…</strong><br /> *?*<br /> Reverend Ben has been ignoring his health recently, and it’s finally caught up with him in the form of a heart problem requiring bypass surgery. Since Ben will need six weeks of recuperation and rehab, an interim minister is assigned to the congregation.<br /> ?<br /> Reverend Isabel Lawrence is young, yet she has a quiet but steady way of connecting with the members of the church. While most of the congregation was troubled by the absence of Reverend Ben, Isabel has ultimately reassured them with her warmth and understanding.<br /> ?<br /> Meanwhile, Ben has secretly been considering when he should retire. Is this health setback a sign that it’s time to start a new phase of his life? As Ben grows stronger, he starts to wonder if he’s really ready to celebrate his final Christmas as pastor. After all, Christmas is a time for giving, but retiring and presenting Isabel with his much-treasured job might be the biggest test of faith Ben has ever had to face...</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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  • 商品価格:1,434円
  • レビュー件数:0件
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